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Joseph M.
Social Studies Tutor  
University of California, San Diego
Middle School

Fun Facts

I was born and raised in the San Diego area. My favorite hobbies are playing video games, hanging out with friends, and watching Marvel and Star Wars TV shows and movies

About Me

I studied political science and history during my undergraduate program at the University of California San Diego. I almost finished my credential to become a social studies teacher.


I am knowledgeable in areas related to social studies such as history, geography, and government. I am currently a substitute teacher and have student teaching experience. As a result, I have had direct interactions with students. I specialize more at the middle school and high school levels.


Through my training from. my classes and student teaching I have come to learn is students need to know what expectations are when in a new situation whether it is a new classroom or moving to a new home. The sooner students understand what the expectations are, the more effective learners they are.

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University of California, San Diego

International Relations/ Political Science

University of San Diego

Single Subject Social Studies Credential

Graduate Coursework
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