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Fun Facts

I'm originally from Boston, Massachusetts. I've lived in Texas for a few years. My hobbies include drawing, running and biking.

About Me

Hi, I enjoy teaching and learning mathematics. I've gotten my bachelors and master degree both in mathematics. I attended Bridgewater State University for my bachelors and University of Texas at Arlington for my masters.


With my experiences as a graduate student, I have tutored and taught in the area of College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, and Calculus II. Would tutoring remotely be an option?


With my journey in learning my math, I understand the difficult and stigma that comes with the subject. I approaching teaching/tutoring in an empathic way.

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Bridgewater State University


Howard University

Master of Science in Mathematics


University of Texas in Arlington

Master of Science in Mathematics

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Pre Algebra Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented College Algebra course.

Trigonometry Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I worked in a tutoring center and had many experience tutoring college students who were enrolled in Trigonometry course.

Calculus AP Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I've seen material that is seen in Calculus AP is taught in Pre-Calculus/Calculus I college level course. Since I have experience teaching these college level course, I'm qualified in tutoring this material. I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented Pre-Calculus & Calculus I course.

Calculus Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I have experience teaching these college level course, I'm qualified in tutoring this material. I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented Pre-Calculus & Calculus I course.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented Pre-Calculus course.

Algebra II Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented College Algebra course.

Algebra Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented College Algebra course.

7th Grade Math Tutoring

I've had 1 year experience working 1 on 1 with a 7th grader remotely. I spent an hour a week tutoring and guiding her through mathematical material taught in the 7th grade.

Math Advance Tutoring

My whole career journey has been studying mathematics. With that journey I've had many opportunities and experience practicing every level of math skills.

Math Tutoring

My whole career journey has been studying mathematics. With that journey I've had many opportunities and experience practicing every level of math skills.

College Algebra Tutoring

As a graduate student that was enrolled in a Phd program in Math, I led problem sessions four times a week, prepared and presented lectures, wrote and graded homework assignments and quizzes and held office hours twice a week that augmented College Algebra course.

Calculus I Tutoring

I've had 1 year experience working 1 on 1 with a 7th grader remotely. I spent an hour a week tutoring and guiding her through mathematical material taught in the 7th grade.

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