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Dana T.
Certified Teacher & Lifelong Learner 
Georgian Court University

Fun Facts

My passion for working with children began when I was just a child myself. At 5 years of age after teaching myself how to swim, I turned to my friends and began demonstrating and correcting their form. My babysitting career took off at age 11 and soon occupied up to 20 hours of my week. I transitioned into the role of a tutor in the after school hours at which time my true passion for teaching took flight. I have consistently worked in the role of an educator for over 20 years.

About Me

I am currently enrolled in an accelerated nursing program (14 months) in which upon completion I will have earned my BSN. After 12 years of teaching, I decided to follow another life long passion, medicine. The role of a nurse affords countless opportunities to "educate" others. For me, this is the best collision of 2 worlds.


Outside of my 12 years of teaching in the public schools, I have privately tutored students and also worked with homeschooling families. Never wanting to leave my passion for teaching behind, tutoring through Frog Tutoring will allow me to continue to make a difference in the lives of young learners as I am working hard to make a difference in the lives of my patients and their families.


The greatest challenge of any teacher is to "reach all your students". Sometimes this feels impossible and we fear that we will in fact "leave a child behind". These are times in which I believe in getting back to the basics. When we know who are students are, what makes them tick and what they view their greatest challenges are, we can tailor our approach to that particular child. If you can tie a particular topic in with a hobby or passion you breathe life into that skill.

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Georgian Court University

Elementary Education/ Psychology

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Homework Coach Tutoring

I have served as a 6th grade math teacher and 7th and 8th grade in class support teacher for all subjects.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have worked with my districts literacy coaches to implement a number of programs to improve the overall literacy of my students.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have guided all of my students in their study methods to build upon what works and extinguish bad habits.

Writing Tutoring

I have worked with my districts literacy coaches to implement a number of programs to improve the overall literacy of my students. This has included structuring one's writing to complete the task. I have experience with utilizing a variety of prompts to motivate students.

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