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Fun Facts

I enjoy hunting and fishing. Particularly coon hunting with my bluetick and flyflishing for perch and bass in the little creeks near my house.

About Me

I am a Junior at St.Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. I am currently double majoring in Mathematics and Philosophy, and I am in the Honors Program. I plan on attending law school and hope to eventually become a judge.

Throughout high school I frequently tutored other students in my math, physics, and latin classes, especially as final exams neared. During my senior year in highschool I tutored a neighbors eighth-grade son in his algebra class. He was having some trouble understanding the material, but his main problem was his work ethic. I began helping him with his algebra homework, while at the same time encouraging him to try harder in class and to get all of his work done on time. Eventually his grades, not only in his algebra class but in all of his classes, began to improve and he began to enjoy his education more.

I think one of the most important characteristics of good tutor is to set a good example. This includes being responsible and showing up prepared and on time. While tutoring students, I focus not only on helping them to understand their material, but on helping them to be a responsible and hard working student and helping them to understand the importance of their education.

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